What Should Be In My Early Years Contract Of Employment?

An Early Years Contract of Employment is a critical part of the business. As a Nursery Owner or Manager you will be only too aware of your legal responsibilities under employment law. Ensuring you have a fully compliant and fit for purpose early years contract of employment for your employees’ is essential. When you are…
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Do I Need Policies and Procedures For My Nursery?

Does a nursery have to have Policies and Procedures? I realise this is a rhetorical question and you know the answer is yes. As well as being good practice, both Ofsted and the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) require all settings to have a set of policies and procedures and to…
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5 Reasons To Outsource HR For Your Nursery

To outsource HR in your business can seem like a big step and passing control to a third party can appear a scary prospect.  Yet in our everyday lives we are only too happy to outsource, whether it be cleaning, ironing, dog walking, childcare or something different, we actually outsource more than we realise. The…
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Is It Fair To Suspend Childcare Vouchers During Maternity Leave?

There is currently a claim being contested through the Employment Tribunal process (Peninsula Business Services Vs Donaldson) where an employee who has been on maternity leave has been refused to access the Company’s Childcare Voucher scheme as their conditions of operating the scheme stipulates that during certain periods of absence from the business including maternity…
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How To Manage Work Related Stress

Work related stress is often referred to and there has been an increase in people feeling stressed in their work environment over the past century. Our society has become much more frantic and people are struggling to fit everything into their busy lives. The HSE have provided the following definition of work-related stress: the adverse…
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Ofsted Fees Are On The Up

This week our focus will be on the recent news that the government is going to be reviewing the current Ofsted fees that Nursery Settings and Child-minders currently pay to remain on the Early Years and Childcare Registers. [cp_modal id=”cp_id_229ea”]Download now for free[/cp_modal] This will be unwelcome news for settings but something that can be…
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